Gifts in Wills.

Join our community of bequestors and leave a legacy that transforms lives.

An older man writing while a young girl puts her arms around his shoulders, hugging him. The man is smiling and there is an older woman in the background who is not in focus but is also smiling.
Learn more about leaving a gift in your Will.

You can find out more information on how to leave a Gift in your Will by visiting your state's website.

About leaving a gift in your Will

Thousands of Australians living with low vision or blindness have had their lives transformed because of people who have included a gift in their Will to Guide Dogs.

Our life-changing services would not be possible without people like you.

It’s thanks to the generosity of so many wonderful people who have included a gift in their Will that we can continue to support more Australians with low vision or blindness for many years to come.

How your gift will help

Your gift helps us to provide a range of services and support programs to people to improve independence and regain their confidence.

This includes everything from the breeding and training of our beloved Guide Dogs to ongoing mobility training. Your contribution ensures that children and adults with low vision or blindness can learn practical skills and become confident members of the community.

So, whether large or small, a gift in your Will is greatly valued. Every gift ensures that when someone loses their vision, they don’t lose their freedom and independence as well.

Please visit your state website for more details on how your gift will have an impact.

A person and a yellow Guide Dog, in harness, sitting on grass outside. The person is smiling at the camera and the Guide Dog is a profile view.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Here is the typical process associated with leaving a gift in your Will.

  1. Contact the Gifts in Wills team in your state to learn more about leaving a gift to Guide Dogs, and the types of gifts you can leave in your Will.
  2. Consult your legal advisor to ensure the option you have chosen best reflects your intentions. We recommend you seek the advice of an independent solicitor or qualified legal advisor before making or revising your Will. You should also seek qualified advice before choosing executors to administer your estate.
  3. We’re grateful for your gift but we also acknowledge the importance of discussing your decision with your family and loved ones. This will ensure they understand and support your reasons for choosing to help Guide Dogs in such a powerful way.

Tell us about your gift

If you have already included a gift in your Will to Guide Dogs, we would love the opportunity to thank you personally for your kindness.

Please contact the team in your state.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

A seven week old yellow labrador puppy standing outside in sand. The puppy is looking at the camera and has some sand on the end of its noise.

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