Robert's story
Robert receives services and support through Guide Dogs SA/NT.
Robert is a student living in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory. Since losing his vision at four years old, Robert’s been developing his orientation and mobility skills with support from Guide Dogs.
Now, thanks to Assistive Technology, he has the freedom to go where he wants, when he wants.
Orientation and Mobility instructor, Jacqueline, knew that Robert could benefit from assistive technology so they’ve been trialling a range of equipment to help him achieve his goals.
“Technology is an important focus of Robert’s training sessions,” Jacqueline says. “We recently trialled a device called the Miniguide which uses ultrasonic echolocation and vibrational feedback to provide additional information about his surroundings.”
When paired with Robert’s white cane, the Miniguide helps to paint a more complete picture of the world around him. But technology has other benefits as well.
"Technology has come a long way since I was a kid. It helps me get around but it also means I can study, access health services, and stay in touch with friends and family. My next goal is to get better at sending emails and text messages from my iPhone – VoiceOver is really handy but I’d like to learn how to use a keyboard as well."
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