Guide Dogs working with their Handlers have a right to legal access to any event, business, or public premises, and in Public Transport or rideshare vehicles at all times.
A person with low vision or blindness who is accompanied by a Guide Dog is permitted to:
- Travel on any form of public transport, including taxis, buses, planes, rideshare vehicles, trams and trains
- Enter any public place
- Enter healthcare or medical suites
- Visit any theatre
- Eat in any restaurant
- Shop in any store (including supermarkets and food stores)
Guide Dogs Taxi and Rideshare Statement
An accessible version of the document is also available for download here.

Say yes to Guide Dog access
It is generally discriminatory and unlawful for anyone to attempt to deny these rights to a person with low vision or blindness, or treat that person less favourably, solely because they are accompanied by a Guide Dog. You may face an on-the-spot fine or penalty notice in some states for denying entry to a Guide Dog.
These laws may also apply to people training Guide Dogs and Guide Dog puppies pending your state. You will know a dog or pup is in training by the harness or jacket they will be wearing but if in doubt, please feel free to ask the Handler.
Please make sure that your staff is fully aware of its legal obligation to welcome people with Guide Dogs to ensure people with low vision or blindness can enjoy the same freedoms and access as others.
You can promote your commitment to inclusivity by placing one of our stickers at the entrance to your organisation or business. Your support makes a huge difference.
Visit your state site to learn more today
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