Facility Dogs.

Taking Guide Dogs to visit people, groups and places for a sense of calm and social connection.

A black labrador in harness sitting in front of a bench.

What are Facility Dogs?

Every Facility Dog visit helps to motivate and inspire people living with low vision, blindness, or other of life’s challenges.

Facility Dogs can encourage people to move around and enjoy being active, improve communication skills, participate in social activities, and just generally have fun!

A group of four young adults sitting outside on the grass. There is a yellow labrador dog sitting with them and the dogs head is resting on one of the young adults legs.

Where can Facility Dogs visit?

Some of the common places that Facility Dogs visit include:

  • aged care homes
  • nursing facilities
  • rehabilitation programs
  • special education classes
  • mental wellbeing programs.

Facility Dogs can also help in classes or sessions run by therapists, psychologists, counsellors, and rehabilitation specialists.

How do Facility Dogs help?

Facility Dogs can help by encouraging people to participate in group sessions and workshops. They can also make people feel more comfortable, especially in a new or unfamiliar environment.

Additionally, Facility Dogs can support people and groups by:

  • encouraging movement, activity, and motivating people to push beyond pain or discomfort for pats and play time
  • providing a point of conversation and helping people to engage in a chat
  • offering support and friendship to people who may feel isolated or uncomfortable in social situations
  • creating a distraction from any negative feelings and reducing stress or anxiety.

What is required to host a Facility Dog visit?

In order to have a Facility Dog visit your group, class or location, the site must:

  • Demonstrate the need for a Facility Dog
  • Demonstrate proof of support from the location’s site manager
  • Provide a safe environment for the Facility Dog
  • Provide a single point of contact who can coordinate and take responsibility for the visit.
A yellow labrador dog walking outside on grass with its handler. The handler is holding the lead while the dog is looking up at the handler.
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