International Guide Dog Day 2024

Celebrating the important role Guide Dogs play in supporting people all around the world.

A yellow Labrador Guide Dog in harness looking up at its handler

You can find Guide Dogs and their Handlers anywhere…

Up in the mountains. In the local shopping centre.

On a boat. In a café. In a taxi.

Wherever you can go, Guide Dogs can go too.

As long as they’re not being refused.

Even though it’s the law to let Guide Dogs travel, society often gets in their way. In fact – almost every second journey for Guide Dog Handlers results in a refusal from a taxi or rideshare. And if they can’t get a ride, they can’t get to where they need to go.

It’s time we paid more attention to the access rights of people with low vision or blindness to allow them and their Guide Dogs to keep travelling.

A yellow labrador Guide Dog in harness sitting flat on the ground looking at the camera. The Sydney Harbour bridge is in the background.
"I just want to be like everybody else. I just want to be able to walk into a shopping centre or a supermarket or a hotel without being hassled and threatened — that's all I asked for. "
- Janice Whittle, Guide Dogs Client

Guide Dogs working with their Handlers have a legal right to access to any event, business, or public premises, and in Public Transport or rideshare vehicles at all times.

A person with low vision or blindness who is accompanied by a Guide Dog is permitted to:

  • Travel on any form of public transport, including taxis, buses, planes, rideshare vehicles, trams and trains
  • Enter any public place
  • Enter healthcare or medical suites
  • Visit any theatre
  • Eat in any restaurant
  • Shop in any store (including supermarkets and food stores

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We’re looking for people just like you, who will help share our message and become an ally to Guide Dog Handlers and their Guide Dogs.

We will only contact you very occasionally to share the latest in our advocacy work and you can opt out at any time. View our privacy policy here. 

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    About International Guide Dog Day

    International Guide Dog Day is celebrated on the last Wednesday in April each year. It marks the establishment of the International Federation of Guide Dog Associations on 26th April 1989. This day provides a chance to honor the invaluable contributions of Guide Dogs globally. It aims to increase awareness about the vital role Guide Dog services play in empowering individuals who are blind or have low vision to lead independent lives.

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