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Support Canes

What Are Support Canes?

Support canes are specialised canes that are designed to provide additional support, stability, and safety for individuals who are visually impaired. Support canes typically feature a wider base than traditional canes, which provides additional stability and balance. They are often adjustable in height, so users can find the perfect height to meet their needs. The canes are usually made from lightweight, durable materials, such as aluminium or carbon fibre, and they feature ergonomic handles for a comfortable grip and reduced fatigue during extended use.

The Benefits of Using a Support Cane

Support canes can offer a range of benefits for those who are visually impaired, including:

  • Increased independence: Support canes provide users with additional stability and support, which can make it easier to navigate unfamiliar environments and increase independence.
  • Reduced fatigue: The ergonomic handles on support canes are designed to reduce fatigue, even during extended use, making it easier for users to complete daily tasks.
  • Enhanced mobility: Support canes provide users with additional stability and support, which can make it easier to move around, even on uneven surfaces or in challenging environments.

Overall, support canes are a valuable tool that can help improve quality of life and increase independence for those who are visually impaired. Whether you are just starting to navigate with a cane or are looking for a more advanced solution, a support cane can be a great option to consider.

Suitability will vary depending on the individual and their specific needs and abilities. When determining the best cane, it’s important consult with a qualified an Orientation & Mobility specialist.


Coles has unleashed a new national fundraising campaign for Guide Dogs
From now until 21 May, Coles will donate five cents for every dog food product sold.