Support through a vision change.

Regain your confidence and explore new skills for new life circumstances.
A person hugging a black labrador Guide Dog in harness. The person and dog are looking at the camera and the person is smiling,
A person picking up a piece of buttered toast that is on a wooden board. There is a second piece of toast on the board
Adjust to new life circumstances by learning valuable skills for day-to-day living at home and in the community.
A young child looking at the camera smiling.
Understand your level of functional vision and get the skills and equipment you need to support your vision goals.
A person doing yoga outside.
Get out and explore the world to connect with new people.
Two people looking at each other while they are walking down the street. One has their back to the camera while the other is smiling
Build strategies to overcome any difficult feelings and continue to live a fulfilling life, no matter where you are in your low vision journey.

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