3 Myths About Fleas: Busted

“Fleas aren’t just a nuisance” says Guide Dogs Vet Caroline, “they can cause harm to pets and their humans. Here are some myths we’d like to debunk.”
Flea Myth #1: Fleas can’t live off their hosts.
Fleas usually come into your home by hitching a ride on your pets, but once inside they make themselves at home. Whilst it is true that adult fleas are usually found on their host, the juvenile forms (eggs, larvae and pupae) live in the environment, contaminating furniture, rugs, carpet and bedding – animal and human! And with female fleas laying up to 50 eggs each day it doesn’t take long for your home to become a flea motel.
Flea Myth #2: Fleas aren’t dangerous to humans.
Fleas aren’t only irritating for your dog, they can cause skin problems, blood loss, and transmit infectious and parasitic diseases, some of which can affect humans too. Flea-borne spotted fever, bartonellosis and flea tapeworm are just some of the nasties you can catch from fleas, so for the wellbeing of your family, as well as your pets, it certainly pays to avoid these pesky parasites.
Flea Myth #3: It’s only the fleas you can see that are the problem.
You may think your pet has just a few fleas, however the fleas you can see are just the tip of the iceberg. Adult fleas, which are the ones which are visible, make up only 5% of total flea populations. The remaining 95% (eggs, larvae and pupae) are quietly infesting the environment (which could be in your home or outdoors).
By using NexGard SPECTRA® you can prevent flea infestations. It kills fleas rapidly before they can lay eggs. And that’s not all NexGard SPECTRA does – all Guide Dogs are protected from fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm and intestinal worms with one convenient, monthly chew. Try giving it to your dog or puppy on the first day of the month – that way it’s easy to remember.
See product label for full claim details and directions for use.