Guide Dog Poppi wins Australian Dog of the Year People’s Choice Award

Guide Dog Poppi, trained by Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, has taken out the People’s Choice category in the Australian Dog of the Year Awards!
The awards recognise dogs for inspiring, and making an incredible impact in the lives of people, the environment or other animals.
“Poppi has made the ordinary for me not only possible, but extraordinary,” said Poppi’s Handler, Guide Dogs Client Liz Wheeler.
“Nine years ago I lost my sight, my job and the ability to do ordinary things like cross roads or cook. I lost all hope. Guide Dogs gave me Poppi. It was hard to be scared to leave my front door when Poppi was so excited to go.
“I had a goal to complete a counselling degree. With Poppi I was able to catch trains, find class rooms, and feel safe to study. Poppi attended all the classes and co-counselled during placement. She’s a brilliant counsellor who has brought comfort to many. She’s graduating with an honorary degree in March,” Liz added.
“Reading the entries of noble dogs has been moving, funny and always endearing,” said Kerry Martin, of the Australian Dog of the Year Awards. “We’re reminded once again of just how incredible our doggos are, and seen how ordinary Paw-stralians from across our nation have helped their people through difficult times and made a difference to others and the communities that they live in.
“We’ve found ourselves smiling, laughing and even reaching for the tissues as we’ve read through the beautiful stories of our Aussie fur family and the people they’ve helped. Once again, it’s been highlighted that for many of us, our puppers are our best friends, closest companions and furry superheroes!”
You can watch Liz in our ‘Trust Experiment’ campaign, and learn more about the amazing work that Guide Dogs like Poppi and their Handlers do every day.